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How to Prevent Flat Spots on Motorcycle Tires (5 Tips)

It’s no secret that riding a motorcycle can be a lot of fun. But it’s also no secret that those new motorcycle tires can be pretty expensive.

So, how can you prevent flat spots on your motorcycle tires and save yourself some money? Keep reading to find out!

How to Prevent Flat Spots on Motorcycle Tires

Let’s get straight to it. Here are 5 tips on how you can prevent flat spots on your motorcycle tires:

1. Put Your Motorcycle on a Center Stand

The absolute best way to prevent flat spots on motorcycle tires is by lifting the motorcycle off the ground if you won’t be riding it for months. If your bike has a center stand, then great! You can simply put it on the stand and move on to the next tip.

If not, you’ll have to get yourself a pair of motorcycle stands. They usually cost under $100 and are also very handy for other maintenance tasks, such as lubing the chain and changing oil.

2. Rotate the Tires Every 2 Weeks

If your motorcycle doesn’t have a center stand and you also can’t afford motorcycle stands, then help prevent flat spots from appearing by rotating the tires every 2 weeks.

By rotating the tires every so often, you’ll prevent one area of the tire from staying in the same spot for too long and taking all the weight and moisture from the cold ground. This way, the pressure will be evenly distributed, and you’ll avoid flat spots

3. Inflate the Tires to Recommended PSI

Did you know that when temperature decreases by 10°, tire pressure drops by 1 to 2 PSI? If you don’t have a heated garage, then it’s likely that the temperature in there is similar to the outside temperature, which means that your tires are probably not inflated to their optimal PSI.

To avoid flat spots (and a lot of other issues), make sure to check and inflate your motorcycle tires to the recommended PSI. You can usually find this information in the owner’s manual or on a sticker on the swingarm.

Related: How To Inflate Motorcycle Tires

4. Place Rubber Mats Under the Tires

When a motorcycle is left on its side stand for an extended period, moisture from the cold ground concentrates on the spot where the tire is in contact with the ground. This can cause the tire to deteriorate quicker and develop flat spots.

To avoid this, you can place rubber mats under the tires, which will prevent moisture from touching the tires.

5. Keep Your Garage Warm

If you have a garage, then make sure to keep it warm, especially during winter. This way, you won’t have to worry about the temperature dropping low enough for moisture to condense on your tires and cause flat spots.

Why Do Flat Spots Appear on Motorcycle Tires?

Now that you know how to prevent flat spots from appearing, it’s also important to understand why they appear in the first place.

Flat spots are usually caused by leaving a motorcycle on its side stand for an extended period of time, which causes the weight of the motorcycle to be concentrated on one spot. Over a long time, motorcycle tires will flatten, harden up, and adapt to the flat ground, which will cause flat spots.

Are Motorcycle Flat Spots Common?

Flat spots are actually a very rare occurrence and they do not happen to everyone. In most cases, they only happen when the motorcycle is left on its side stand for years without being moved.

If you’re simply storing your motorcycle in the garage for the winter, then you don’t have to worry about flat spots at all. The chances of them appearing in such short periods are extremely low.

How to Fix Flat Spots on Motorcycle Tires

If you have flat spots on your motorcycle tires, then the only right thing to do is get new tires. Tires can be expensive, but they are a vital part of your motorcycle and you should never skimp on them. Riding with bad tires could get you seriously hurt or even killed.

With that said, flat spots do go away after riding the motorcycle for a little while. So, if you’re in a pinch and can’t afford new tires right away, then it is possible to slowly and very carefully ride until the tires return back to shape.

Be warned, though, that riding with tires that have flat spots is very dangerous and we do not recommend it.

The best way to avoid all this is, of course, to prevent flat spots from appearing in the first place by following the tips we’ve given you. By taking proper care of your motorcycle tires, you can avoid a lot of trouble and expense down the road.

Final Thoughts

Flat spots on motorcycle tires are caused by leaving the motorcycle on its side stand for an extended period of time (years). The weight of the motorcycle is concentrated on one spot, which causes the tire to flatten and harden over time.

If you have flat spots on your motorcycle tires, the best thing to do is get new tires. The tires are the most important part of your motorcycle and the difference between good and bad tires can mean the difference between life and death.

The best way to avoid flat spots is to prevent them from happening in the first place by checking and inflating your motorcycle tires to the recommended PSI, placing rubber mats under the tires, and keeping your garage warm.

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